Industry Associations

HTG IT Peer Group
Heritage Technology Solutions has been part of the HTG Peer Group since 2009.
Heartland Technology Group (HTG) is an IT industry peer group that brings together over 300 of the leading IT providers from all over the United States to share and collaborate on:
- best practices
- processes
- vendor relationships
- industry training
- technical tools
- templates
This group format insures HTG members receive the best-in-class resources available.
To give HTG members direct high level relationships with representatives of leading manufacturing partners for training, technical support, sales engineering, product procurement and manufacturer programs – insuring the highest level of end user satisfaction - HTG is closely affiliated with industry manufacturing partners such as:
- Microsoft
- HP
- Cisco
- Sonicwall
- Symantec
HTG also provides Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that allow peers that work with common vertical markets to share resources and best practices – such as banking, health care, government and education - which brings industry speakers and leaders to meet with members of that group, so they stay current on the latest trends and technical announcments.
Support and resources from a national network of over 300 IT integrators allow HTG members to provide coverage throughout North America by giving them resources outside their local geographical territory and provides access to specialized technical skill sets to augment the local IT provider’s staff and allow them to focus on their core competencies.

CompTIA Member
CompTIA is the voice of the world’s information technology (IT) industry. As a non-profit trade association, they advance the global interests of IT professionals and IT channel organizations and enable them to be more successful with industry-leading IT certifications and IT business credentials, IT education, resources and the ability to connect with like-minded, leading IT industry experts.
By offering technical certifications such as A+, Network+ and Security+, CompTIA members insures their staff is receiving the industry standard in training.
CompTIA’s Security Trustmark+ is a strong endorsement of an organization's commitment to best practices for information, personnel, and environmental security. A Security Trustmark+ holder has been verified as operating under the guidelines of the best practices detailed in the CompTIA Security Trustmark+ Control Framework.
A business with Security Trustmark+ is able to demonstrate to their clients and prospects that they have passed an independent verification of the business processes used to protect confidential information.