Case Studies

Due to client confidentiality agreements, in some cases we are not permitted to mention the customer directly by name or provide specific information about their solution or techniques used; in these cases we have changed the name to protect and respect their privacy.


Library – Local Government


  • Outdated and unreliable camera system
  • Needed a way to count patrons accurately
  • No surveillance on outside perimeter


  • Installed new IP megapixel camera system
  • Installed people counting cameras and software
  • Placed cameras to cover all outside perimeter

"HTS reviewed our need, provided recommendation for improvements and clearly communicated a solution. Within the first month, we were able to identify someone breaking a window and another individual that stole a phone!"

Learning from the recent LaSalle Bank Fire in Downtown Chicago, First Community Bank discovered it needed a way for a large amount of workers to work remotely if a similar disaster occurred to them.

They needed to have the ability for employees to connect remotely to the bank's backup network system from any location. This could be from their home, a local library, an Internet cafe or if on vacation somewhere.

This flexibility required that the remote employees need not to install software or any other type of client access to the computer of their choice BUT the bank still need security assurance.

HTS implement the right solutions. Using Checkpoint's Express Firewall and SSL Extender the bank is able to give up to 100 remote users connections to the bank's network without deploying software to the remote computers. Each remote computer uses a standard web browser for connection. The bank's Checkpoint system scan the remote computer for security requirements before allowing them to connect. A secure session is then established without the need of local security software to be installed.

Now in the event of a site disaster employees can still access the bank backup network where ever they are at throughout the country and the world.

In offering the latest in security services to our customers, HTS has recently contracted with Chicagoland Bank to design and install new CCTV security systems.

This new system replaces old video tape-based systems with color motion sensor camera and DVR recording.

The highlighted benefits of this new system are as follows:

  • Color camera vs black and white
  • Record via motion or image change vs constant recording
  • Image retrieval or "play back" can be instant without loosing current recording capabilities
  • Images are watermark and tamper proof for legal purposes
  • Cost of storage is drastically reduced.
  • Reliability over tape based system is greatly improved
  • System can be monitored and viewed remotely from anywhere via web browser.

Along with this system, HTS will be designing a similar system using two way audio and video for teller drive up facilities who are not in direct view of the tellers. This system helps provide the personal service via a live view of the teller and audio while still be remote.

Let HTS help you with your video surveillance needs.

Federal Savings Bank new facility required the computers to be on the same network as the phone system.

Commonly known as Voice over IP phone systems use the same cabling and connections as the computers on the network.

To increase performance and integrate the cabling system, HTS installed and programmed Cisco's new Power Over Ethernet Switches (POE) to the banks network. These switches provide power to any and all phones connected to the network while still providing 10/100 data switch services to the computer network.

This system allows the bank to move and relocate phones or computers anywhere throughout the network without the need of additional cabling since any location can provide either a data connection or a powered phone connection.

Stay connected with HTS.

Illinois Utility was faced with a problem. As a supplier of water in the Southwest area, they needed to find a way to control the water level in various tanks in the area. To do this, Illinois needed to control their Programmable Logical Controllers (PLC's) in each water tank remotely from their main facility computer system in Woodridge, IL. The PLC's allowed them to monitor the level of water in each tank to assure an adequate supply at all time.

Illinois Utility turned to Heritage Technology Solutions to design a wide area remote communication solution. Heritage came up with (3) different options, the first being a solution with straight router technology, the second being a straight wireless technology and the third option following extensive research and site surveys, a hybrid of a router technology mixed with a radio wireless technology.

After several meeting with Illinois Utility and reviewing each option, Heritage designed and implemented the wide area solution utilizing several Cisco routers along with MDS radio technology. The result was a tremendous success for both Illinois Utility and Heritage Technology Solutions.

The benefits to Illinois Utility have been tremendous as they are now getting high speed access to all of their locations at a minimal cost. They are able to control all water tanks remotely from one location, increase productivity and lower overall maintenance cost. As a result, Illinois Utility entered into a service agreement with Heritage to utilize their expertise in supporting and consulting for their entire computer network system.

ABC Equipment asked Heritage, "How can we keep our sales people in the field while giving them immediate access to vital data from our office?"

With some research, Heritage designed a VPN/Firewall solution which allows ABC's sales people to have a secured connection via the Internet to the sales database at the main office.

Whether the representatives are in front of the customer, in hotel room preparing for a meeting or at home, they can connect through their notebook computer using the Internet for all the latest data they need. Emails, sales information, order processing and all tasks they normally would have to do in the office now can be accomplished in the field.

This solution allows the sales representatives to spend less time in the office and more time in front their customers. For ABC, not only has sales production increased but also they are assured through the security of the firewall that their corporate information is not jeopardized. It is a winning solution for all!

Community Bank recently discovered a need for improved Internet access. The three areas's of concern were performance, security and cost.

Since Heritage has been supporting Community Bank since the conversion of their network with Aurum Technology (formerly EDS) in October of 1998, they asked for some assistance with their
Internet needs. With nine branches to support for Internet access, Heritage looked at the network infrastructure of the bank, their current Internet usage and plans for future growth.

First, Heritage recommended upgrading the current 10MPS hubs and replace them with dedicated switches. The switches provide dedicated bandwidth to each workstation rather than shared bandwidth with the current hubs. This allows support for the increase network traffic from the Internet. The second recommendation was to install a T1 Internet connection via a Cisco 2620 router and an IP/IPX firewall option for security. The T1 connection will provide 1.5 Mbps of constant, 7 x 24 connection to the Internet. In addition, the firewall will provide filtering of unwanted web site access to bank employees, along with protecting the bank from any outside intruders.

Finally, the bank added up its current modem line and individual Internet account charges and discovered a significant amount will be saved monthly to help justify the expense increase.

If your company is in need of help with analyzing its Internet usage and current service, please contact Heritage Technology Solutions today for a no-cost evaluation of your Internet requirements.

Case studies are based on actual client success stories.
The company names have been changed to protect their security and confidentiality.